11 Tools to Help Launch Your First Content Marketing Campaign | KILUVU | Scoop.it

Are you ready to give content marketing the time, money and resources it deserves?

While your answer may be yes, it’s never easy to get up and running with a new marketing strategy. There are questions to answer, challenges to overcome and various tasks that need addressed.

With 88% of B2B marketers currently using content marketing as part of their overall strategy, neglecting to do so will put you in the minority.

As you get started, you’ll soon find a variety of ways to better research, plan, create and distribute content.

What I’ve created here is a list of content marketing tools that you’ll want by your side as you roll out your first campaign.

These tools cover the most important details you’ll need to address before you get started, as well as in the early days (and weeks) of running your campaign....

Via Jeff Domansky