Researchers' Days 2018: Call for proposals for educational workshops and Science Cafés! | #Luxembourg #STEM #Europe | Luxembourg (Europe) |

The Researchers’ Days will return for its 6th edition on Friday, 30 November and Saturday, 1 December 2018 at the Rockhal in Esch/Belval. Proposals for workshops and Science Cafés are now being accepted by the Fonds National de la Recherche, deadline to submit is Friday, 13 April 2018.

Don’t miss the chance to interact and motivate future generations of scientists and share the passion that got you into research by offering them a hands-on science workshop or a Science Café!

The event fosters the direct exchange between researchers and the public by offering researchers multiple ways to demonstrate their fields of science in a fun way.

Want to find out what it's like? Here is a link to a video of the 2014 event on the YouTube channel and a news article with photos on the FNR website.


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