The Power of Email, Text & FB Messenger Delivering an Average of 1M Messages PER DAY | Online Marketing Tools |
Unlike most autoresponders, you'll likely lose 30-40% of your email list when trying to import to them because they'll make ALL your contacts have to CONFIRM to be on your list ONCE AGAIN - even if they'd been your subscriber for years.
Just as you can import unlimited contacts, you can also create unlimited email lists and assign each list of imported emails to their own separate email list. This is extremely powerful if you're operating in different niches, are building different brands, have different products and services, need to keep your free subscribers separate from your PAID customers or anything in between. With Sendiio you can create as many different email lists as you want.
You can quickly and easily create unlimited optin forms which integrate with ALL page builders on the market. It doesn't matter if you're using ClickFunnels, LeadPages, OptimizePress, ProfitBuilder, Elegant Themes or ANY other lead-capture page builder. Just create your form, copy our HTML or iFrame code and paste it into ANY page you'd like