Knowledge creation and social collaboration in the digital workplace - Ba | Pédagogie & Technologie |

“The only irreplaceable capital an organization possesses is the knowledge and ability of its people.  The productivity of that capital depends on how effectively people share their competence with those who can use it.” – Andrew Carnegie, 1919

The creation of a digital workplace, through the introduction of state-of-the-art ICT technology and new ways of working (NWOW), puts a clear focus on streamlining in-company communication, improving organizational performance, and increasing the overall satisfaction of employees.

In today’s business environment, remote working and collaboration are considered keys to success for organizations of all size. Particularly in enterprises that employ many knowledge workers, introduction of new technology may lead to higher productivity and to a positive change in the company culture.

In 2010, Alcatel-Lucent launched Engage, a social collaboration platform that has become a cornerstone of the company’s global Digital Workplace. With over 70,000 users and more than 4,000 formal and informal communities, Engage facilitates worldwide employee communication and collaboration.

Riding the Knowledge Spiral


Via juandoming, Edumorfosis, Dan Kirsch