English teachers - Use this free English grammar & syntax course from Moodle.net | Education 2.0 & 3.0 | Scoop.it
Moodle loves Open Educational Resources (OER) since Moodle likes an open world. You can share your Moodle courses and course activities like database presets, glossary entries, quiz questions etc. with other Moodle community members easily through Moodle’s OER portal – Moodle.net.

Moodle.net is the Moodle community platform which connects you with free courses and content shared by Moodle users all over the world. You will find various free open educational resources on Moodle.net.

Christopher Engelsma shared a free Moodle course on English Grammar & Syntax. The course is a foundational course and is focused for secondary level students.

Via Miloš Bajčetić, Juergen Wagner