10 Easy Instagram Photo Book Challenge - The Daring Librarian @GwynethJones | Education 2.0 & 3.0 | Scoop.it
I've grown fascinated lately with the Instagram #BookChallenge and the #BookBento photo technique.  So, here's my rendition, see above graphic or make a copy of my GoogleDoc. Feel free to take, use, share, make it yours - with attribution please.

I'm kinda lazy, some book challenges are 30 or 31 days...I chose 10 pictures just to make it doable and easy. 

Have you heard of these? Have you ever participated in one? I've been working for the last 6 months on a new presentation for a keynote appearance in Ohio and it's making me more thoughtful about the potential of Instagram. More clever ways to interact with Libraries, literacy, books, reading, kids, and our community.

Via John Evans