​Raspberry Pi simulator lets you start tinkering without even owning a Pi | #Coding #MakerED | Education 2.0 & 3.0 | Scoop.it
If you want to build your own gadgets using the Raspberry Pi but don't have the kit or even a Pi, there could soon be another way to get started.

Microsoft is building an online Raspberry Pi simulator that allows users to write code to control emulated hardware, and that currently lets users interact with an LED and collect data from a sensor.

The simulator shows a graphic of a Pi wired to a combined humidity, temperature, pressure sensor and a red LED via a breadboard, a plug board that allows circuits to be wired together rapidly. Users can type in a side panel to enter Node.js JavaScript code, which can be used to control the LED and collect dummy data from the simulated sensor. That code can be executed using a command line at the base of the panel.


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Via Gust MEES